My Blog List

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog 17

                                   Facts from the Story of Stuff

Facts from the Story of Stuff
According to the video about “the Story of Stuff”, Annie Leonard argues that the whole planet has been consumed for the excessive abuse of the natural resources which are generating the creation of more stuff to use, just to make more unnecessary stuff to buy even if we don’t really need it. Corporations may be the only one responsible about this situation that make many people leave all the places where the Mother Nature is been affected aggressively, and they also declare if we don’t have this resources as part of our properties or don’t buy stuff  we lack of valuable making us away. Although it actually affect our expectations about protecting the nature instead of it most people don’t realize that is destructing our ecosystem, creating pollution as dioxin which is a toxic hydrocarbon.
I really agree with Annie Leonard  because we don’t realize  what is happening nowadays with the elaboration of all different stuffs  which make the population spend more than they need as a result  destroying the ozone layer which situation make deplorable our ecosystem  killing everything around it for long-term. Moreover, we should keep control about the highest consume of unnecessary stuff which may help, but not all the time because population are being manipulated for the all advertisements that make us to consume more than we need losing control and keeping us in a system to consume, just to increase more profit.
At this period of time, many

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blog 16

Let them Eat Fat

                     In the article " Let Them Eat Fat", Gret Critser argues that fast food companies are having radical changes which they suggest to the customers to consume more for less money, as the author mentioned there is a great deal which companies want to increase more cheap foods as the super-size meal may be wonderful advantage for customers spending more cents that will give them more to consume. Moreover, the author referred the consumption is really poor about proteins and fat food is getting the highest level of consume.
                     I agree with the author because at this period of time everybody consider to eat in these restaurants instead at home, which most of the people don't have have enough time to cook at home just to make healthy foo, but the reality is totally different. If we realize eating in these restaurants don't make us waste time, even though we might probably save money and get more food without spending too much money. Although it could appear a controversy  with this situation if we consider to buy the super-size meals will get more than we expect just to complete our pleasures.
                     Nowadays, most Americans spend almost everyday going to these restaurants because the economy dosn't have another choice to buy fast food. Nevertheless,


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blog 15

The New Industrial Migrants (part1)
In the article “The New Industrial Migrants”, Mike Conan argues that turnover affect the employees who wants to work could be replace later. Many migrants from Spanish countries had decided to immigrate to United States to get a job which most of them chose traveling to rural Colorado at the Meatpacking jobs, increasing a little more the money in their wages, but actually they don’t receive the benefits they are available to get by the law. Instead of it they are keeping in their jobs for a short-term which giving them as a result unexpected fire, just to hire more people and trying to avoiding them welfare they deserve.

The New Industrial Migrants (part 2)
Moreover, IBP implied to recruit migrant labor which worker received lower wages

Blog 14

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blog 13

Reflection for the food unit

                      At this time all food companies have implemented a great alternatives for consumers in which they can choose which one is convenient for them and especially to help them to reduce their expenses, but most of the time these products don't satisfy the necessities of each customers arguing that contain products unnecessary for human consumption to cheat on customer not showing the reality. If compare this cases with the others as "Allegory of the cave", The Truman show, The Matrix and Red Pill or Blue Pill,  all of them have the same meaning which is unrelated with the truth, and customers normally can understand at first because they probably trust all of these product by the labels or designs are created just to control minds with the only purpose to sell.
                        In the meatrix film who was the protagonist Leo " a pig" This personage thought about his life was truth at first, but noticed that everything was a lie and after that fought against this event that was given deplorable care to the animals.
                      I would to say that i understood the unreal situation that many people are living  with the highest consume of the many products elaborated for our welfare, but not everyone can understand it as well all of the videos i saw in class make realize the cruel realty we're living without doing anything and maybe some people don't care about it, so after this i'll make emphasis to determine what can be wrong for us although it won't be easy.
                        if i realize i learned a lot about simple things that are incredible and human life and it helped how to clarify my points of view, but i think i need more time to work on it, as well i work on my grammar to improve my blogs.
                          At this part of my life, I noticed that i didn't have enough comprehension to clarify simple things that nobody may see as healthy food, and i feel really interesting because although people who knew this situation may do something to make a big change just to favor of the world.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog 12


 Happy Meals

in the Article " Happy Meals, Pollan argues at this time grandmothers can not distinguish all kind of food there are in the supermarket, even though some of them are unfamiliar and hard to pronounce for the customers, advising the new products may offer to satisfy all your necessities but most of the people don't even realize that supermarkets want everyone get processed foods which give at a period of time critical health trying to the customer avoid the fresh vegetables and fruits.
            if we realize not everybody have time to cook at home for which deciding to buy this king of processed foods doesn't contain  any kind of nutrients could help for the body metabolism knowing that may complicate the great health that parents did to make healthy people
               Although, on the other side we must see all the complements of vitamins that are required to success in a good health as cereal  or milk with omg3 which many people probably don't know avoiding its nutrints, but people are vulnerable to follow the wrong one as  margarine which was criticize because it may give us heart attack, as consequence  everybody it's capable to decide what they want even if they know the products are convenient for them.
                Furthermore, we should try to spend more about healthy food because of it our welfare will be consider wonderful with longer life without diseases. Although all of the supermarket are doing is just to supply our points of view about what we can choose to feed our family protecting them all of the new products might affect us later.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Blog 11

 Manufactured demand

At this period of time there are much controversy among bottle water and tap water ,  because there is a myth which not everybody know what is the process to elaborated the plastic bottle, even though about the water with the  pass years  there was a conflict about  if we drink from tap water may not be healthy. Moreover,  in some commercial s by TV they are telling us that consume water from tap water may cause diseases, so they suggest us that we should consider to buy bottle water because is really healthy and it doesn’t have  germs, but most of the people might choose them  because they probably  have pretty designs to convince people to buy them. Otherwise, people may decide by themselves arguing that may be unhealthy too.