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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog 12


 Happy Meals

in the Article " Happy Meals, Pollan argues at this time grandmothers can not distinguish all kind of food there are in the supermarket, even though some of them are unfamiliar and hard to pronounce for the customers, advising the new products may offer to satisfy all your necessities but most of the people don't even realize that supermarkets want everyone get processed foods which give at a period of time critical health trying to the customer avoid the fresh vegetables and fruits.
            if we realize not everybody have time to cook at home for which deciding to buy this king of processed foods doesn't contain  any kind of nutrients could help for the body metabolism knowing that may complicate the great health that parents did to make healthy people
               Although, on the other side we must see all the complements of vitamins that are required to success in a good health as cereal  or milk with omg3 which many people probably don't know avoiding its nutrints, but people are vulnerable to follow the wrong one as  margarine which was criticize because it may give us heart attack, as consequence  everybody it's capable to decide what they want even if they know the products are convenient for them.
                Furthermore, we should try to spend more about healthy food because of it our welfare will be consider wonderful with longer life without diseases. Although all of the supermarket are doing is just to supply our points of view about what we can choose to feed our family protecting them all of the new products might affect us later.

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad analysis of Pollan's advice, but you were supposed to explain which of the advice YOU could follow and which you could not.
